What advice would you give to young architects just starting their career, Carola?


Creativity and the core idea of a design awaken the emotional part of the decision for a project on the part of the client. However, the rational component is also essential, which - analogous to the purchase of a vehicle - is immediately followed by the question of costs. This essential answer can only be realistically answered by knowing the constructive possibilities and the resulting cost estimates. Likewise, not only the cost price and operating costs are important factors, but also the life cycle costs. With all these aspects in mind, the new generation should indeed avail itself of the 'wisdom and experience' of experienced colleagues, but should by no means be discouraged from thinking and breaking new ground. Find the synergies, form rope teams between young and old and shape your future and that of your children with responsibility and common sense!"

 What do you think the future of architecture looks like, Alex? What trends and developments do you expect?

 "The last few years have seen a dynamic development and shaping of architectural tasks. I am particularly pleased that architecture and the construction industry are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility for a resource-conserving and material-saving style of building. This can be seen in the increase in wood as a building material alone.

I expect housing to change radically. Not so much to facilitate the creation of ownership, but rather to make housing more charming again through plus services. There are very exciting urban development projects that combine housing with plus services. So it's not just a matter of creating living space, but also of providing an intelligent and charming surrounding.

What has remained: we build for people differently than we did 30 years ago. But better and more consciously for our environment."

© Photo Birgit Pichler